It's September 1st! Lots of new happenings today. 2022 BCCR is release First, we start with the BCCR for 2022. Yes, there are some changes. Please watch the video, then review the BCCR. The 2022 BCCR goes into effect on January 1, 2022. If you have any questions about the 2022 rules, please forward all emails to . _____________________________________________________________ Board of Directors Seat Nominations is open Bruce Mills (Dec 2021) Jerry Enger (Dec 2021) Michael Chisek - Resigned September 1, 2021 The terms for Bruce Mills (Vice President) #010222, Jerry Enger #000282, end on December 31st of this year. Michael Chisek submitted his resignation from the BOD. Their seats are the ones up for re-election and when filled will serve until December 31st, 2023. Bruce Mills and Jerry Enger are eligible to run again and can be nominated like any other member. Fil...